Thursday, December 26, 2019

Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day!

While you spend time with loved ones, 
don't worry about where you're going 
store everything after Christmas. 
We have you covered. 

Call 801.465.2399 for a free quote!

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Our team at Lion’s Den want to wish you all a

Merry Christmas! 

We hope you are able to enjoy the holiday with your family

 and those you love.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Storage squirrel

Wondering where to put all those belongings
you've been meaning to do something with,
but haven't gotten around to it? 

Look no further!

Call for a free quote today! 801-465-2399

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Clean out your Clutter!

Need to get rid of some clutter?
No better way to start than getting a storage unit!

Clean out your garage so you don't have to scrape your windows this winter! Call today for a FREE QUOTE!